Saturday 1 June 2013

Day 20 Ireland

After a super evening and night cap with Harold, Betty was up cooking us an Irish breakfast to set us up for the day. Big thanks for looking after us so well. We were on the water after 9am and started our first crossing to Kerry Head. We had a F4 against us and an ebbing tide.........oh hum.......! Sometimes that's just how it is. We took a longer break at the headland before crossing the Snannon. There was a good swell running as we crossed and much steeper waves as we got closer to Loop Head. The cliffs, rock formations and birds were stunning. At 4pm we came across a potential landing and camp but we now had tide with us! We paddled on..................It wasn't until after 7pm that we found another suitable site! 3.5 hours of paddling in reflected waves and clapotis today. Very tiring and the longest Ive paddled in before. Wind is supossed to be going west tomorrow so this could help us up to the cliffs of Moher.

Leaving our hosts Harold and Betty Whelan at Fahamore


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